
Living with Infertility

Wanting, hoping waiting,
Loving, longing, knowing,
Feeling the loss before I could lose you.
Never seeing, touching or smelling.
Dreaming, aching, crying.
Losing the hope and joy,
Of Motherhood.


Tuesday, September 21, 2010

What a beautiful sound!

So yesterday we had a doctor's appointment. We were able to hear the beautiful little sound of our baby's heartbeat. I forgot how comforting this is. He or she is doing great. We are 11 1/2 weeks, so we have almost made it to our second trimester! Yay! With what I can remember, the second trimester was great. I felt great, I could start to feel the baby and we get to find out what we are having! YAY!

So happy being pregnant!



Wednesday, September 15, 2010

What a headache...

I have been getting these horrible headaches with this pregnancy...does anyone have any advice for me on how to treat them? I know you can't take anything but Tylenol...which doesn't work. Let me know if there are any safe tricks out there to help :)



Thursday, September 9, 2010

Last...but not least...

My last shot is... TODAY!

I can't even begin to tell you how excited I am that I have made it this far! We are so blessed. What a journey it has been getting our cute kids. As much as I hate infertility, it has also taught me how to be strong. I have learned so much about my strengths and my weaknesses from this experience. I know that God has helped me through it all.

Thank you for all your love and support! We have loved having you on this journey with us :)



Friday, September 3, 2010

Count down...

Just a little fun note, I get to stop my progesterone shot September 9th! Hopefully I will feel well enough to go out and celebrate! If not, I guess just not taking another shot will be super enough. :)

I will have taken 53 IMC shots by the time we are done...let me tell you, my hips are feeling it. ouch.

