So, as my pregnancy has continued to progress, I am once again amazed at how a woman's body is able to grow a human being. It is amazing that our internal organs are able to get squeezed and moved and logged into areas that I know are not natural (at least they don't feel natural). Yet, our little babies are able to snuggle themselves right into our middle area and live for a full 9 months! It is truly a miracle and I feel so blessed that I have been able to experience this transformation at least one more time in this life. As uncomfortable as I am getting...there is nothing more amazing than feeling my baby girl move and grow inside of me. I love her so much already and in only 9 short weeks, I will have her in my arms! Hooray! I am now 30 weeks pregnant! And this is what 30 weeks looks like...

I do plan on doing some "real" maternity pics...It is just a little tricky when I am doing them myself. So more to come! As I grow and grow and grow....