So, I have to admit, I am stressing out a little here. March is in less than a week and I am not sure how I am going to really do this...3 kids? I am wondering if any of you have some good advice when it comes to having 3 small children, one of them being a newborn. I don't have any family close by...so, relying on family is out. I have a few really nice neighbors, but they all have their own families to take care of and it is really hard to call on anyone else but family in my mind. My mom will be coming for just a few days when i have the baby to help, but she works for the school district and can't get very much time off. Flavio will stay home as long as he can as well, but his position is such that he can't be away too long.... Now I am not trying to have a pity party, although some days I do, but I will really be on my own soon after having this baby and want to know how to handle 3 in such a way that I don't turn into a crazy, scary mommy :)
Please let me know your thoughts.
Lots of love,