
Living with Infertility

Wanting, hoping waiting,
Loving, longing, knowing,
Feeling the loss before I could lose you.
Never seeing, touching or smelling.
Dreaming, aching, crying.
Losing the hope and joy,
Of Motherhood.


Sunday, June 27, 2010

Testy, testy

I am not sure if this is normal, or if it is just me, but when I start the hormone treatments I get...well, let's just say testy. I don't deal with disappointment or change very well. For example, my husband drove home Friday from Las Vegas, and because of traffic and a car accident ahead of them, they were 4 hours later than they should have been. When he called to tell me, all I could do was cry...yes, I cried. I was so upset. I knew somehow that this was crazy, but the tears just kept flowing.

This is going to be a very bumpy ride ;)

Here is wishing good luck to my family...I hope I don't have too many days like that.



  1. oh what we go through when we want a baby so much! Hang in there girl and anyone who means anything will understand those emotional outbursts!

  2. Thank you Heidi, you are awesome! LOL
